Can you see a Blizzard Coming?
Most emergency protocols and weather stations can predict a blizzard or snow storm coming well in advance. When this happens, it's important to stay prepared and stay ready for anything!
When you are a professional gardener, it's hard to worry about just your home when you have all your plants and flowers to take care of. Luckily we are going to keep you and your garden safe for this upcoming storm!
What To Do to Prepare for a Blizzard
There are two primary things to prepare for when you are expecting a blizzard to hit closely. You want to stock up and prepare for outages if you can.
Stock Up — You should stock up the kinds of foods you can easily eat and can fill you up for a long time. These are your typical canned foods and soups.
Prepare For Outages — When a blizzard hits, it's likely that you could run out of power. Do your best to invest in a power bank and to keep your phone adequately charged without overdoing it; these should be used especially in emergency situations.
How to Protect your Garden from Snow and a Blizzard
Check for Weak Limbs — The first thing you should do is check for weak limbs. Just simply put a little weight on them to see if they snap easily. If they do, then just break them off, it's not worth it.
Prune Properly — Next, you should prune your trees. Oblong branches or overly leafy areas need to be trimmed down. This can let the snow fall easier and keep weight off the trees and plants.
Salt Smartly — Salting is a great way to get rid of snow from an area. However, you want to keep it superficial, putting too much salt can dry out and kill a tree.
Don't Push it — If your plants are too small and fragile, try uprooting them and bringing them to an interior greenhouse if you can afford it. Otherwise be prepared to let them go.
Green Thumb Wi.
If you have any questions on gardening or garden maintenance, don't hesitate to call us today. Our landscaping experts will always be happy to help out and lend some advice to gardeners. Call Now at (715) 832-4553.